Workpackage 6

Workpackage 6

WP6 Management

Summary of WP6 Objectives and Tasks:

To ensure optimal project implementation, communicate with the Granting Authority, and ensure compliance with the GA and CA.

Management Structure & Supervisory Board Appointment (T6.1)

The management structure will be formalised in the Consortium Agreement before the project start.

Recruitment of DCs (T6.2)

The Coordinator will oversee the recruitment strategy implementation.

Data Management Plan (DMP) (T6.2)

The first DMP version will be completed by month 6 and updated at each reporting period.

Project Monitoring, Meetings, & Risk Management (T6.4)

WP6 leaders will coordinate project meetings and manage risks, including monitoring the risk register.

Administrative & Financial Management, Reporting (T6.5)

WP6 leaders will ensure compliance with CA and GA, produce deliverables on time, and manage reporting to the Granting Authority.